On Tuesday, Jan. 16, the Town hosted a Recognition Ceremony for Former Elected Officials in an effort to thank them for their service and dedication to making Surfside a better community for all. Mayor Danzinger, who spearheaded the initiative, hosted the afternoon ceremony which included friends and family of the honorees in addition to residents and staff. Those recognized were presented with a Proclamation and Key to the Town.
Former Mayor Eli Tourgeman, who currently serves as Chair of the Tourist Board, was on hand for the event which recognized his outstanding longevity in public service - 40 years serving the Town of Surfside at the Commission level as well as multiple Boards and Committees.
Former Vice Mayor Barry Cohen was also recognized and spoke fondly of his time on the Commission.
Former Commissioner Marta Olchyk, who currently serves as the Commission's Senior Community Liaison, spoke earnestly about the true meaning of public service and serving with sincerity and humility.
All of the honorees called for unity and respect among residents and Elected Officials.
Additional honorees who were not present at the event included Mayor Daniel Dietch, Mayor Mitchell Kinzer, Mayor Paul Novack, Vice Mayor Michael Karukin, Vice Mayor Frank MacBride and Vice Mayor Tina Paul.